Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A patriotic lace flag to make for the 4th of July

Now, I have to say, this flag was not my idea.  I have see them for sale on ETSY, just type in " rustic American lace flag" and you should find some.  But I thought I would make my own.  I think the ones on ETSY are made with lace ribbon, but I bought some lace panels and cut them into strips.  There is also some yarn and rick/rack thrown in. 

I want to warn you, I am not much for measuring.   And I sure as heck didn't measure when I was making this.  I think it is a fact that stopping to measure interferes with the creative process and if it isn't a fact someone needs to change that.  I have gone back to the finished product and measured what is there.  I tried my best to guestimate.

This flag is about 18 inches across and 17 inches high about another 2 inches make up the dowel ends.  When I was making it I was thinking about hanging it in a spot where both sides could be seen.  So my description and instructions are as if I were doing that.  I think that is the reason it looks so poofy.  But I ended up liking it that way.

I realized after taking these pictures I should have straightened my door mat out, oh well.  

The bunting and pin wheels were bought at my local "In Home" store.   I'm sure you can get the bunting in a lot of stores, but I haven't seen these large pin wheels anywhere else.  They are about  16 inches across. They look really cool when they are all spinning.

What I used for this project:

Wooden dowel, one of the ones that is fairly thick in diameter, cut to about 20 inches long. I just used a little       hand saw.
Gold craft paint
Foam paint brush
Small drill bit
3 or 4 panels of different patterned white lace fabric,  I bought mine at Hancock Fabrics.  Each panel is about 60 inches wide, I got about a yard in each panel.
2 panels of different patterned red lace fabric.  Again I got mine at Hancock Fabrics.   Each panel is about 60 inches wide, I got about a yard of each.
Blue fabric with white stars, again I got this a Hancock Fabrics.  If I was doing this over again, I would just get some denim and paint some stars on it.  You will need about a quarter of a yard of whatever fabric you use.
Craft glue
Fluffy, Fuzzy white yarn
Red Ric/Rack
Red Ribbon of some sort.
Monofilament for a hanging thread.

To Make this:

1.  First I cut my dowel rod to the 20 inch length.
2.  Paint it with the gold craft paint and allow to dry. 
3.  For the hanger.  Use your drill to make a hole in each end of the dowel going through the sides, not the ends.  Go in about 1 1/2 inches from end and drill your holes.  Make sure you drill them in the same  spot on each side.  I  sort of thought of the rod as having a top and a bottom.  I drilled through the  "top" all the way through.   I suppose you could use some sort of glue and just tie them on, but this did not  seem very secure to me. 
4.  I threaded my monofilament through the hole on each end.  I then tied it to make it secure.
5.  Next I got my lace panels and cut them into strips.  I cut them about 2 1/2 inches wide.  I didn't cut the length, just left it as it was.   Now, if you are one of those people who have a rotary cutter and a plastic cutting mat, this should be pretty fast and neat for you.  But I don't have any of that fancy stuff, so my strips are not very neat.
6.  I started in the middle and tied 3 strips of different white lace on the dowel.  You may want to use a dab   of glue to help hold them in place.  I didn't, but that is up to you.  I was a little unsure of how this was to end up and I wanted to be able to add and subtract as needed. 
7.  I cut 6 strips of the fuzzy white yarn about 64 inches long.  They will be handing below your ribbon, but I just went along and trimmed it to length when I was done.  I took three of the lengths of yarn  and tied them onto the dowel on one side of the ribbon.   I just bunched the three together and tied them on as a group.  Repeat on other side of ribbon.
8.  I probably scrunched them together more than I should have as this flag is verrrry full and poofs out a lot. With that being said, continue to fill in with the strips of lace and yarn.  Do what looks good to your eye.  Fill dowel until you reach the monofilament. I worked my way out from the middle, putting some on one side and then the other, hoping to make it look symmetrical.   I finished with the white before adding any red.
9.  Go in and place your red lace strips, rick/rack, red ribbon or whatever you are using.   I just did this by eye, no real measuring(I hate to measure).  I mixed it up hoping to make it look random.  I tied them on just like the white. 
10.  I then cut my blue fabric into about a  25 x 19 piece.  I just put it over the one side on top of the lace strips.  I did run a bead of glue along the top of the the lace and then placed the blue fabric  on top of  that.  I did this  to hold the blue fabric in place. I also ran a bead of glue down one of the strips of lace and pushed the blue fabric onto that, just to make it stay put. 

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